Crop and Soil Sciences

Public wheat breeders continue 130-year legacy of excellence

From the 1890s through today, WSU wheat breeders have kept Washington wheat competitive and adapted to our unique challenges.

Vogel and Allan- new wheat, historic photo

WSU’s New Grains Northwest program yields farm-to-school opportunities for buckwheat

The New Grains Northwest program is researching underutilized grains like buckwheat and millet while growing new farm-to-school markets.

Close-up of buckwheat flower.

Aspiring first-gen mentor helps find greener food future

Mentorship changed Miguel Rosas’ life, putting him on a path to help feed the world through science.

Miguel Rosas with seedlings in a gel case.

Tri-state team releases calendar guide for more productive, sustainable pastures

Experts drew from a century of knowledge for a new year-round guide meant to boost the health and productivity of the region’s pastureland.

Stock photo- Western mountain pastures

Latest WSU guides tighten pear irrigation, shed light on wheat, buckwheat production

WSU scientists share free guides monthly that help Pacific Northwest agriculture and home growers. The latest online publications offer irrigation tips and evaluation for pear growers, review past production at WSU’s Wilke Farm as well as buckwheat west of the Cascades, and share scientifically sound approaches to home-garden companion plants. Buckwheat Production West of the […]

Buckwheat field

Mentor program bridges Indigenous knowledge, Western science to build tribal capacity, protect ecosystems

Graduates can connect with Native knowledge holders and western science mentors to support Tribes and understand keystone ecosystems.

Salmon stream