
WSU Scientists Help Lead $14 Million Projects Promoting Cattle Health

PULLMAN, Wash. – With an eye toward bolstering the bottom line for dairy owners and cattle producers by unlocking the genetics behind Bovine Respiratory Disease and feed efficiency, Washington State University animal scientists will play key roles in two U.S. Department of Agriculture competitive grants totaling more than $14 million.

Anaerobic Digester, Organic Ag Online, “Feeding the World”

Managing Dairy Waste for Profit Researchers from a cross section of disciplines at Washington State University, along with USDA researchers, have teamed up to work on addressing a challenging issue within the dairy industry in the state of Washington: nutrient management. Coming from the departments of animal sciences, economics, biological systems engineering and crop and […]

Where’s The Beef? Carbon Footprint of Dairy, Beef Cattle Shrinks with Increased Productivity, Says WSU Researcher

PULLMAN, Wash. – Discussion of the environmental impact of animal agriculture is very different when you talk in terms of productivity instead of individual animals, according to one of the newest members of the Washington State University Department of Animal Sciences. “You can’t just talk about ‘the cow,’” said Jude Capper, assistant professor of animal […]

Cougar Gold Honored by Restaurant Magazine

PULLMAN, Wash. – Cougar Gold, Washington State University’s signature cheese, has earned a Gold Star Award from Santé Magazine, a restaurant industry trade publication. The Santé Gold Star is an elite designation bestowed on a limited number of products deemed to be of exceptional merit by the Santé Food, Wine & Spirits Review tasting panel. […]

Dairy Farm Walk in Chehalis, October 6

Chehalis, Wash. – Learn how intensive grazing practices and becoming certified organic have impacted the Styger Family Dairy in Chehalis. Linda and Andy Styger have been farming for nearly 30 years and for the last 18 years have used rotational grazing with their herd of 70 cows. They say becoming a certified organic dairy in […]

Learn How to Raise Your Own Meat and Dairy Livestock

EVERETT, Wash. – Ensuring that your family’s meat and dairy products come from animals raised with integrity and a high standard of care either means knowing the livestock farmers well or raising the animals yourself. For those choosing the latter path, the Washington State University Extension Livestock Advisor training is exactly what you need. The […]