Agriculture and Natural Resources

New from Extension: Invasive tree killers; tradeoffs of harvesting straw; organic blueberries; reducing fire risks

New guide help Northwest communities prepare for an damaging insect, and let wheat farmers calculate tradeoffs of cutting straw.

Emerald ash borer

WSU Extension resources support ag workers’ mental health

To address high suicide rates in the ag field, Washington State University Extension is supporting the mental health of thousands of agricultural workers statewide through services, programming, and one-on-one financial counseling.

Someone stands in the middle of a living room giving a presentation to seven people sitting on couches.

New from Extension: Crop soils as carbon sinks; blueberry economics

New free guides available online from WSU Extension include a look at the benefits of storing carbon in inland northwest crop soils, as well as the economics of growing the Draper blueberry west of the Cascades. Every month, experts with WSU share new information through the WSU Extension Publications bookstore. 2022 Cost Estimates of Producing […]

Blueberry bushes

Asia-Pacific partners get look at WSU research for Skagit Valley’s exported specialty crops

Sharing research that helps Washington’s Skagit Valley specialty-crop producers supply the world, scientists at WSU’s Northwestern Washington Research and Extension Center gave members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) an in-field look at current projects on soil-biodegradable plastic mulch, soil health, and disease defense. Visiting Mount Vernon on Friday, Aug. 4, five APEC-member secretaries or […]

Lisa DeVetter hosts the APEC tour