
Viruses, Food Sci Online, Orchard Tech

Viruses Aid and Abet to Overcome Plant Defenses WSU researchers have found that viruses will join forces to overcome a plant’s defenses and cause more severe infections that an individual pathogen. “These findings have important implications in our ability to control these viruses,” said Hanu Pappu, Sam Smith Distinguished Professor of Plant Virology and chair […]

Vineyard Solutions

Fruits of the Vine Viticulture Field Day Offers Harvest of Science-based Solutions for Growers John Derrick of Mercer Canyons Inc. didn’t know what was wrong with two blocks of the farm’s 920 acres of wine grapes outside of Prosser last year. Leaves showed reddish discolorations and flecking. He and other vineyard staff speculated about a […]

Pixie Grape, Vineyards in Afghanistan, Preventing Virus Spread, Zino Forum, Students Win – June 28, 2012 – WSU’s Voice of the Vine

Regenerating Pixie is Important Step in Grasping Grape Genetics Graduate student Kathie Nicholson holds regenerated Pixie grape plants. Photo by Brian Charles Clark/WSU. Understanding the grape genome in all its vast variety will give growers…

WSU Plant Pathology Professor to Lead Center for Clean Plants

PROSSER, Wash. — Ken Eastwell, a professor in the Washington State University Department of Plant Pathology based at WSU’s Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center in Prosser, has been appointed director of the Clean Plant Center of the Northwest. As director of CPCNW, Eastwell provides leadership for the development and distribution of deciduous fruit trees, […]

Fast, Cheap, and Accurate: Improved Virus Detecting Test Helps Check Spread of Cassava Disease

PROSSER, Wash. — The Nigerian poet and novelist Flora Nwapa calls it “Mother Cassava.” A fundamental staple in the diet of nearly a billion people, the cassava plant produces a root that is processed in a wide variety of ways to produce foods and beverages. After rice and beans, cassava is the most important subsistence […]

Virus Detection, Heavy Weather

Optimizing Virus Detection Using the Power of Attraction To determine if a fruit tree has a virus, it currently takes a minimum of nine separate laboratory tests in combination with several biological assays, and even these can identify only known viruses. Scientists dream of being able to run a single test that will determine all […]

WSU Virologist Honored

PULLMAN, Wash. – Naidu Rayapati, a plant virologist at the Washington State University Prosser Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center, and his colleagues from other institutions received a team award for international work at the 6th International IPM Symposium in Portland, OR, on March 24. Rayapati, a member of the Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research […]

Wine Grape Growers Must Face Reality

PROSSER, Wash. – In order to grapple with one of the wine grape industry’s rising concerns–how to deal with grapevine leafroll virus disease–a small group of wine grape growers, certified nurserymen, representatives from the Washington, Oregon and Idaho state departments of agriculture and Washington State University faculty recently gathered at WSU’s Irrigated Agriculture Research and […]

WSU Faculty Member Honored for International Work

PULLMAN, Wash. – Naidu Rayapati, a plant virologist at the Washington State University Prosser Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center, has received the International Service Award from the American Phytopathological Society. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to plant pathology by international members for countries other than their own. Rayapati was honored for accomplishments in solving […]