Horticultural Genomics

Pixie Grape, Vineyards in Afghanistan, Preventing Virus Spread, Zino Forum, Students Win – June 28, 2012 – WSU’s Voice of the Vine

Regenerating Pixie is Important Step in Grasping Grape Genetics Graduate student Kathie Nicholson holds regenerated Pixie grape plants. Photo by Brian Charles Clark/WSU. Understanding the grape genome in all its vast variety will give growers…

WSU Plant Genomics, Biotechnology Program Accepting Applications for Undergraduate Summer Research Experience

PULLMAN, Wash. — Each summer, eight undergraduate students from throughout the nation will have the opportunity to study plant biology in cutting-edge labs at Washington State University. Horticultural genomics Professor Amit Dhingra, the leader of a new Research Experience for Undergraduates site funded by the National Science Foundation, said the program is accepting applications from […]

WSU Researcher Partners with High School Science Teacher for Genomics Research and Education

PULLMAN, Wash. — WSU genomicist Amit Dhingra and Pullman High School agriscience teacher Tina DaVault have received a $15,000 Partners in Science grant from the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust. The competitive grant will enable DaVault and several of her students to conduct Rosaceae genomics research in Dhingra’s lab for two summers. In turn, DaVault […]