
WSU’s On Solid Ground – Struvite, Cattle Fertility, New Apple – March 13, 2013

Comprehensive Effort to Create Sustainable Fertilizers Phosphorus recycled from human and animal waste for plant fertilizer could ease demand for the dwindling, increasingly expensive rock-mined element. Scientists at WSU have found plants flourish with struvite, a waste ingredient composed of magnesium, nitrogen, and phosphorous. Teamed with Multiform Harvest, a Seattle phosphorous recovery company, the researchers […]

Vineyard Solutions

Fruits of the Vine Viticulture Field Day Offers Harvest of Science-based Solutions for Growers John Derrick of Mercer Canyons Inc. didn’t know what was wrong with two blocks of the farm’s 920 acres of wine grapes outside of Prosser last year. Leaves showed reddish discolorations and flecking. He and other vineyard staff speculated about a […]

WSU Scientists Gearing Up For Fertilizer Study

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University scientists in Puyallup, Prosser and Pullman are gearing up to start a comprehensive two-year study of plant uptake of metals for the Washington State Department of Agriculture. The $400,000 study was authorized in a fertilizer reform package passed by the state legislature this spring. The package also included provisions […]

Fertilizer Sample Data Available

Olympia, Wash. — Results of a special analysis conducted on 35 samples of fertilizer are available for review, but still to come is a clear understanding of what the data means from the standpoint of human health. The analysis was conducted in response to public questions and concerns about the use of industrial by-products as […]