
Tropical & Dryland Biofuels, Size Matters

On the Matter of Size In the animal kingdom, huge weapons such as elk antlers or ornaments like peacock feathers are sexy. Their extreme size attracts potential mates and warns away lesser rivals. Now researchers led by scientists at the University of Montana and Washington State University have discovered a developmental mechanism they think may […]

Field Days Focus on Oilseed Crops throughout Pacific Northwest

PULLMAN, Wash. – Bright yellow flowering fields of winter canola are more prevalent in the Pacific Northwest this spring, and national statistics indicate that winter and spring canola acreage is expected to increase more than 50 percent in Idaho and Washington compared to last year. Several Washington State University and other university field days and […]

Running on Camelina: Pressing Oil Seed to Meet Pressing Energy Needs

LA CROSSE, Wash. – La Crosse-area farmer Steve Camp is squeezing a lot out of the camelina he grew last summer – highly nutritious livestock feed, oil that can be used for cooking, and perhaps most importantly, biodiesel that provides growing energy independence and another step toward on-farm sustainability.

Camelina, Spotted Wing Drosophila

Molecular Research Contributing to Understanding of Ancient Oil-seed Crop Concerns about the future of energy resources have scientists all over the world scrambling for alternatives. Some researchers study ethanol, others algae. For still others, including WSU molecular plant sciences doctoral student David Favero, are confident oil-seed crops hold promise. Favero, who is mentored by assistant […]