
Local Vines for Local Wines: Growing Wine-grapes in Western Washington

EVERETT, Wash. — The Puget Sound region was first recognized as a unique American Viticultural Area (AVA) in 1995. Applying the Puget Sound AVA to a bottle of wine means at least 85 percent of the grapes used were grown in the Puget Sound region between Olympia and the Canadian border. With the increasing number […]

Is Your Forest Healthy? Learn How to Find Out

SPOKANE, Wash. — Many foresters consider the forests of northeast Washington to be unhealthy.  Periods of low precipitation and densely crowded forests have created tremendous competition among trees for survival, making them more susceptible to insects, disease and wildfire. On Saturday, Aug. 14, Washington State University Extension in cooperation with the Washington State Department of […]

Food Security Begins At Home with Safe Food Preservation

EVERETT, Wash. — Juicy ripe peaches, snapping fresh green beans, sweet raspberry jam, and crunchy dill pickles – nothing tastes better than home-preserved foods. In addition, a well-stocked pantry is a big first step towards ensuring your family always has plenty of healthy food available. However, safely preserving fruits, vegetables, and meats requires a bit […]

Workshops Will Help Farmers Take a Second Look at “ACRE” Program

DAVENPORT, Wash. — In 2009, farmers nationwide had an opportunity to transfer some of their traditional government crop support payment to a type of revenue insurance called the Average Crop Revenue Election Program, or ACRE. According to Tom Platt, Washington State University Extension Educator in Davenport, the 25 percent of Washington farmers who elected to […]

Workshop Offers Energy Management Skills for Wineries

KENNEWICK, Wash. – Washington State University, Winewise and the Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers are offering an energy management for wineries workshop at the upcoming annual WAWGG meeting. Understanding how winemaking operations consume energy is vital for controlling costs and reducing carbon footprint. The overall goal of the workshop is to provide participants with […]

Master Gardeners from throughout Washington to Gather at WSU

PULLMAN, Wash. – More than 200 Master Gardeners from throughout the state will gather on the Pullman campus of Washington State University later this week for three days of workshops on topics ranging from sustainable food systems and drought resistant lawns to the psychological benefits of plants and building strong communities through gardening. “This is […]