Human Development

Shining bright: CAHNRS announces 2021 faculty/staff award winners

11 individuals and 1 team of 14 are the CAHNRS 2021 Faculty and Staff Award winners for their exceptional contributions to research, teaching, and Extension.

Graphic image with words 2001 CAHNRS AWARDS

Scientists study babies’ emotions to understand origins of risky behavior, depression

Washington State University researchers are launching a four-year study of babies’ emotional reactions and responses, seeking a greater understanding of how humans develop safe and unsafe behaviors. Funded by $602,043 grant from the National Science Foundation, scientists in WSU’s Department of Human Development and Department of Psychology will study infants’ approach and avoidance behaviors, to […]

Cross-college partnership to help rural Washington families prevent opioid addiction

Researchers at Washington State University will help rural families and communities prevent opioid addiction through training and education, in a new project funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The two-year project is led by Elizabeth Weybright, associate professor and Adolescent Extension Specialist with WSU’s Department of Human Development, and funded by a $392,866 USDA […]

A photo of a typical small town main street in the United States of America. Features old brick buildings with specialty shops and restaurants. Decorated with spring flowers and American flags.