Latest WSU Extension guides help quinoa, grape, wheat growers, pollinators; living snow fence

Bee visits canola
A honey bee visits a canola flower. Pollinators are crucial for canola yields.

Every month, scientists with WSU Extension and other partner institutions publish free or low-cost guides to help improve agriculture across the Pacific Northwest.

The latest new and revised guides from Extension include:

New Publications

Canola grown in the Pacific Northwest is a great food source for bees. Bees then pollinate the canola, increasing canola yields. Aimed at growers, this guide explains the importance of pollinators and offers crop management recommendations to facilitate habitat and food conservation.

Gaining popularity in the United States, quinoa is relatively new to Washington state. It has been cultivated for thousands of years around its center of origin in South America, but recently has gained worldwide recognition for its nutritional benefits and adaptability to a variety of environments. Find out more about this fascinating annual broadleaf crop.

Revised publications

Learn how to manage this common, difficult weed in wheat production systems. Herbicides can control prickly lettuce in wheat, but many biotypes have developed resistance.

This guide, revised for 2021, explores control of diseases, insects, weeds, and animal pests on commercial grapes. Weed controls are outlined for new and established plantings, while disease and insect controls are coordinated by pest and crop stage.

This free guide discusses the progress of a living fence of juniper, planted as a demonstration project in 2003 to help landowners and motorists in eastern Washington; includes tree growth and survival, data, impacts, and wildlife uses.

Jointed goatgrass causes serious problems in winter wheat fields in the western U.S. Understanding its genetic relationship with wheat can help with the development of management strategies. New technology can provide producers with tools to control this weed.

This free bulletin describes the ecology of this weed at various stages of its life cycle, and relates its characteristics to the effectiveness of management practices.

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