
Hay Producers Face Another Gloomy Season

PULLMAN, Wash. — 1999’s first hay crop is growing, but economic prospects for Washington hay producers aren’t. Agricultural economists see another year of gloom for hay growers. Neil Rimbey, University of Idaho range economist, Caldwell, said Northwest hay supplies are at record high levels following a mild winter, which reduced hay consumption. Rimbey said a […]

Poor Harvests, Prices, Afflict NW Seafood Industries

SOUTH BEND, Wash. — Smaller harvests and poor markets created serious problems for Northwest fisheries in 1998. Tighter harvest quotas and strong competition from inexpensive imports point to continued problems in1999. This was the assessment published today by the 1999 Pacific Northwest Agricultural Situation and Outlook Report. Steve C. Harbell, WSU extension marine resource agent, […]

Decline in Housing Starts to Dampen Lumber Market in 1999

PULLMAN, Wash. — The Pacific Northwest forestry industry faces a downturn in housing starts, which likely will last several years, says Charley McKetta, University of Idaho forest economist. His assessment is published in the 1999 Pacific Northwest Agricultural Situation and Outlook Report, released Wednesday (Dec. 30) by Washington State University, University of Idaho and Oregon […]

Some Commodity Producers Don’t Share in NAFTA’s Benefits

PULLMAN, Wash. — Liberalized trade between the United States, Canada and Mexico under the North American Free Trade Agreement is producing positive benefits on a broad basis, but some Pacific Northwest farmers aren’t on the winning end of the deal, says a Washington State University economist. Thomas Worley, a Washington State University extension economist, published […]

Beef, Sheep Industries to Face Another Poor Year

PULLMAN, Wash. — Livestock producers should find improved prices in 1999, but beef production still won’t be profitable for many cattlemen. That is the assessment of Ray Folwell, Washington State University agricultural economist. It is contained in the 1999 Pacific Northwest Agricultural Situation and Outlook Report, released Wednesday (Dec. 30) by Washington State University, University […]

Dairying is Cream of State Farm Economy

PULLMAN, Wash. — Pacific Northwest dairy producers are enjoying record high prices as they enter 1999. Although prices are expected to drop in the second half of the year, economists expect the average price producers receive for milk in 1999 will remain above the five-year average. That is the assessment of Roger Cady, Washington State […]

Grapes, A Bright Spot in Washington Agriculture

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington’s grape growers can look forward to a second year of improved prices in 1999, according to Ray Folwell, a Washington State University economist. Writing in the 1999 Pacific Northwest Agricultural Situation and Outlook Report, released Wednesday (Dec. 30) by Washington State University, University of Idaho and Oregon State University economists, Folwell […]