A team with Washington State University Extension’s Community and Economic Development (CED) unit was recognized this summer by the National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals for their leadership in support of broadband expansion and access in Washington state.
The ceremony was held during the annual conference hosted by Prairie View A&M University Extension in collaboration with Texas A&M Agrilife Extension in Houston last June.
“This award shines a light on the good work we’re doing in Extension,” said Mike Gaffney, director of Extension’s Community and Economic Development unit. “There is real value to knowing you’ve done something worthwhile that impacts so many.”
The competitive national award recognized the CED-led team for their regional, cross-disciplinary work and the complexity of expanding broadband access, a project that cuts across multiple levels of community and statewide leadership.
In 2020, WSU Extension CED supported local broadband action teams statewide using Washington State Department of Commerce funding. The community-based effort tracked areas of unreliable internet for future broadband infrastructure planning.
CED’s effort is connecting thousands of people in rural areas to the internet, critical for everyday tasks like banking, work, or healthcare.
Carrie Shofner, WSU Wahkiakum County Extension director and associate professor, accepted the Excellence in Extension award on behalf of the team.
“We were able to partner with agencies and communities statewide to continue our efforts to connect families and communities with reliable broadband,” she said.
“What’s unique about Extension is our boots-on-the-ground approach working with county commissioners, public utility districts, and other agencies and organizations to understand this pressing issue,” Shofner added. “Then we can better match funding capacities at the national and regional levels.”
Petrichor Broadband LLC, Northwest Open Access Network, and other statewide partners aided the CED unit’s work achieving broadband expansion goals.
“We’re fortunate for these great partnerships that make our work possible statewide,” Gaffney said.
The award brings into focus adjacent work by CED, such as developing remote employment opportunities.
“This really highlights the effectiveness of Extension’s network in powerful ways,” Gaffney said. “We’re able to address these issues of important public policy that affect thousands of people.”
Further information
WSU Extension’s Community and Economic Development unit endeavors to develop and support an adaptable workforce. Learn more about CAHNRS’ vision of a Resilient Washington.