Newly published by WSU Extension, four free guides help orchard operators learn whether several popular sweet cherry varieties are feasible for production.
Washington is the number one producer of sweet cherries in the United States; in 2019, the crop was worth nearly $400 million, ranking eighth overall among state commodities. Guides offer current considerations and estimates in determining whether Chelan, Sweetheart, Coral Champagne, and Skeena are economically practical for an orchard business.
Sweetheart makes up about 11% of Washington cherry acreage, Chelan 10%, and Skeena, about 6%. Coral Champagne is a relatively new variety. Guides help growers estimate costs of equipment, materials, supplies, and labor required to establish and produce the variety.
Authors are R. Karina Gallardo, Professor and Extension Specialist with the School of Economic Sciences (SES) and the Center for Precision and Automated Agricultural Systems (CPAAS); and Suzette Galinato, Assistant Director of the Impact Center in SES.
Guides include:
- 2021-2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Coral Champagne Sweet Cherries in Washington State (TB82E)
- 2021-2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Sweetheart Sweet Cherries in Washington State(TB83E)
- 2021-2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Chelan Sweet Cherries in Washington State (TB84E)
- 2021-2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Skeena Sweet Cherries in Washington State (TB85E)
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