Forest Owners Winter School to bring forestry answers to Colville, Feb. 25

4 people stand in a forest, with 2 of them holding each end of a tape measure.
Attendees at a previous WSU Forestry planning workshop.

Owners of forests in northeast Washington can learn how to keep their forests productive and healthy, wildlife-friendly, and safe from wildfire at the next Forest Owners Winter School.

The WSU Stevens County Extension educational event will be held Saturday, Feb. 25, at the Colville Center of the Community Colleges of Spokane in Colville, Wash. Doors open at 8 a.m., and presentations will begin at 9 a.m.

Experts in forest management, wildlife, soils, tools, and other fields will provide information to help forest owners and managers achieve goal and protect the health, beauty, and value of their land.

Participants may attend up to six different 50-minute presentations, choosing from more than a dozen topics. Topics include forest health, common tree and shrub identification, advice for landowners before logging, wildlife habitat, big game animals, songbirds, chainsaw safety and maintenance, use of hand tools and measurement instruments, common forest insects and diseases, growing and tending forests, soils and roads, protecting your home and forest from fire, thinning and pruning trees, and use of portable sawmills.

Owners can ask best-practice questions of consulting and agency foresters and speak to contractors about mechanical thinning and masticators, chipping, and other brush disposal choices for reducing wildfire hazard. Participants can also arrange to have a state forester or wildlife biologist take a walk in the woods on their property.Advance registration by Feb. 20 is $20 per person or $30 per family. Late registration is $30 per person and $40 per family.  Box lunches will be available for $10 by February 20.

The registration form and additional information are available at or by contacting WSU Extension at (509) 667-6540.

Media Contacts

Andrew Perleberg, WSU Extension Forester, (509) 667-6540