Aug. 22: WSU’s Ag Tech Day explores automation in specialty crops

Group photo with robots.
Students and faculty at WSU’s Center for Precision and Automated Agriculture will take part in Ag Tech Day.

PROSSER, Wash. – Washington State University’s Center for Precision & Automated Agricultural Systems will host Agricultural Technology Day, 1:30 to 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 22, at Prosser, Wash.

Experts from WSU, the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, Microsoft FarmBeats and ASI Robots will share updates on cutting-edge agricultural advances with growers, agricultural industry professionals, and crop consultants.

This year’s event explores the theme of automation in specialty crop production, and includes field demonstrations and discussions of digital agriculture solutions, automation in farm operations, robotics in specialty crops, intelligent orchard sprayers, a survey of autonomy on the farm, and regulations on the use of autonomous vehicles in Washington farming.

Participants can interact with WSU researchers and provide valuable feedback both during the sessions and at a networking social. Snacks and drinks will be provided, sponsored by Tree Top Inc., of Washington.

The event is held at the WSU Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center’s Ag Tech Building, 24106 N. Bunn Rd., Prosser, Wash.

Admission is free. Registration at Brown Paper Tickets is required by Aug. 16, 2019, to attend.

To learn more, visit the event website or contact Lav Khot, Assistant Professor at CPAAS, at or by phone at (509) 786-9302 or (509) 335-5638.