FSM 298: Foodborne Illness Notification System Enhances Public Health

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

There’s a new system for reporting foodborne illnesses and food safety concerns in Washington State. Called the Foodborne Illness Notification System or FINS for short, consumers and professionals are encouraged to report food safety concerns online. The new system allows for anonymous reporting as well.

This has several significant benefits to public health:
• It makes it easy to report your food safety concerns.
• Improved reporting allows health authorities to identify food poisoning quickly and take action.
• By reporting, you are enhancing public health, protecting those more affected by foodborne illness. Children, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals.

Learn more by searching online for Foodborne Illness Notification System. Your actions literally can protect and improve the health of residents in Washington State.

Thank you for listening. I’m Susie Craig.


Washington State Department of Health. Washington’s New Foodborne Illness Notification System (FINS) Aims to Catch Unsafe Food and Protect People’s Health. July 15, 2024.