FSM 286: Innovations in Food Safety: Advanced Detection Methods for Disease-Causing Bacteria

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Food scientists, engineers, and microbiologists are continually looking for solutions for food safety problems, and ways to work more effectively to protect our food supply from farm to table. At Osaka Metropolitan University, researchers developed a unique method for simultaneous detection of multiple disease-causing bacterial species. Their system uses a palm-sized, handheld sensor linked to a smartphone app to check bacterial levels within an hour.

Still under development, its complicated, interdisciplinary science employing organic metallic nanohybrids made of gold and copper. Eventually, their team hopes to detect many species of disease-causing bacteria in an hour. Food processors will be able to rapidly evaluate the safety of their products on-site, accurately, and quickly.

Thanks for listening, I’m Susie Craig.


Science Daily – Science News (4/5/24). Rapid, Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Bacteria Achieved with. Accessed online 4/12/24.