FSM 285: Examples of Food Fraud – Food Adulteration

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This is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension.

Did you know the Food and Drug Administration works to protect us from potential health risks and economic harm from food fraud? Here are examples of food fraud from the FDA:

  • Honey and Maple Syrup may have a label showing a pure product, but instead it
    has cheaper sweeteners such as corn syrup or cane sugar along with honey or
    maple syrup.
  • Seafood fraud happens when a supplier substitutes a less expensive fish for a
    more expensive one. Or, when the seller adds ice to frozen seafood making it
    heavier when selling by weight.
  • Spices may be bulked up with non-spice plant material or have dyes added. There
    are some instances where dye contained lead, potentially harmful to health.

This is Susie Craig, thanks for listening to Food Safety in a Minute.


Food Safety Tech Newsletter. Food and Drug Administration. FDA Data Finds 3% of Imported Honed
Adulterated. Accessed online 4/10/24.

United States Food and Drug Administration. FDA Releases Report on Economically Motivated
Adulteration in Honey (8/4/2024). Assessed online 4/11/24.