FSM 273: Separating Truth from Myth: It’s Safe to Reheat Food Left Out for Over Two Hours

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute.

Is it true prepared food left out for more than two hours may be reheated and safe to eat? According to the USDA, no. People falsely believe reheating food always makes it safe to eat. Given emphasis of reducing consumer food waste, it may be tempting to test fate. However, some bacteria, including staphylococcus aureus produce toxins which are not destroyed by reheating.

Twenty-five percent of us carry staphylococcus aureus on our skin and in our nose. Without good hand hygiene, staph can easily contaminate food during preparation or serving. When food contaminated with staph is temperature abused – held at room temperature for more than two hours, staph produces a toxin causing illness. Heat does not destroy the toxin.

From Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Staphylococcal (Staph) Food Poisoning. Accessed online

Washington State Department of Health. Food Safety Myths. Accessed online