FSM 272: Separating Truth from Myth: Local and Organic Food is Always Safe

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From Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig.

Do you believe locally produced organic food is always safe, that it will not cause foodborne illness? This is a myth. There are great reasons to support locally produced food and to choose a diet of organic foods. However, when it comes to food safety practices, local and organic foods are no different than food produced using conventional farming methods. The same Core Four food safety principles apply to all food.

The Core Four Practices are Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill.

  • Clean. Wash surfaces and hands often. Rinse fresh produce under running water.
  • Separate. Avoid cross-contamination.
  • Cook to safe end-point temperatures.
  • Chill perishable food to 40 degrees F and below.

Learn more by visiting the Partnership for Food Safety Education.

Thanks for listening to Food Safety in a Minute.


Washington State Department of Health. Food Safety Myths. Accessed online 1/3/24.

Partnership for Food Safety Education. Core Four Practices. Accessed online 1/3/24.