FSM 271: Separating Truth from Myth: It’s Safe Leaving Food on the Counter During Super Bowl Party

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Is it safe to leave food on the countertop for our Super Bowl Party? Unless the Super Bowl game is over in less than two hours, this is not a safe food safety practice. According to the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service, perishable food at room temperature, including prepared food or leftovers should be refrigerated or frozen within two hours.

Leaving perishable food out for your party for more than two hours can cause foodborne illness. Some bacteria multiply causing illness. Others produce toxins. A few diseasecausing bacteria do both. No perishable food should remain in the temperature danger zone (40 degrees F – 140 degrees F) for more than two hours, including food from your Super Bowl party.

Thanks for listening, I’m Susie Craig.


United States Department of Agriculture – Food Safety and Inspection Service. “Danger Zone” (40 degrees
F – 140 degrees F)
. Accessed online 1/3/24.