FSM 267: Separating Truth from Myth: Is Food Safe to Eat if it Looks Smells and Feels OK?

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I’m Susie Criag, welcome to Food Safety in a Minute

Is it safe to eat food that looks, smells, and feels OK? No, though it is widely believed as a “truth” about food in our homes. This myth is especially concerning this year as it is often linked with national emphasis on consumer food waste reduction. It’s sometimes seen in food safety posts, magazines, and social media.

The appearance, smell, and taste of food gives indications about its’ quality, which doesn’t mean it is safe to eat. Truth: Disease-causing pathogens like bacteria and viruses do NOT change the smell, appearance, or taste of food. Conversely, bacteria that spoil food are generally not disease-causing. Stay healthy, don’t believe food that looks and smells good is necessarily safe to eat. It isn’t.

This is Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension.


Washington State Department of Health. Food Safety Myths. Accessed online 12/16/23.

Partnership for Food Safety Education. Home Food Safety MythBusters. Accesses online 12/16/23.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Foodborne Illness Surveillance and Outbreak Data. Accesses online 12/16/23.