FSM 262: Minimizing Food Waste: Ensuring Food Safety at Holiday Potlucks

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From Washington State University Extension, welcome to Food Safety in a Minute.

It’s the month of holiday potlucks posing an increased risk of food waste and foodborne illness. Stay healthy and reduce food waste with these easy steps.

  • Plan ahead, estimating the amount and variety of dishes to reduce overpreparation. Often there are many more servings than people attending.
  • Keep hot foods hot, and cold foods cold prior to serving.
  • Set a two-hour limit for service. Discard potentially hazardous foods which have
    not been kept above 140 degrees F or below 40 degrees F during the buffet.
  • Avoid overloading the refrigerator after the buffet.
  • Choose safer food options such as baked goods, nuts, and dried fruits.
  • Always wash your hands before handling food or eating. If this isn’t possible, use
    a paper napkin to handle food.

Thanks for listening, I’m Susie Craig.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Food Safety for Buffets and Parties. Accessed online 10/9/23.

University of Florida Extension. Food Safety: Potluck Parties. Accessed online 10/9/23.