FSM 259: Navigating Thanksgiving Turkey Safety: USDA Guidelines

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From Washington State University Extension, welcome to Food Safety in a Minute.

Confused about stuffing your Thanksgiving turkey? You’re not alone. The Food Safety and Inspection Service of the USDA has advice for you. They advise against buying retail-stuffed, uncooked turkeys from stores or restaurants. However, a frozen turkey stuffed from a USDA-inspected processing plant is safe if cooked from frozen.

It’s always riskier to cook a home-stuffed turkey than an unstuffed one. If you choose to stuff, ensure the stuffing’s center reaches a safe minimum internal temperature of 165°F. This implies the meat will reach even higher temperatures, potentially resulting in loss of moisture and tenderness. For safety, always use a meat thermometer.

To learn more about cooking your turkey, visit the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline online. Happy Thanksgiving.

I’m Susie Craig.


United States Department of Agriculture. Stay Food Safe this Thanksgiving Holiday. 11/7/22. Press
Release Number 023622. Accessed online 9/12/23.

United States Department of Agriculture – Food Safety and Inspection Service. Turkey Basics: Stuffing. Accessed online 9/12/23.