FSM 256: Halloween Food Safety: Four Guidelines for Parents

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Just 6 days until Halloween. If you have children planning on trick or treating this year, here are four guidelines to keep them safe.

  • Bring candy and treats home, then inspect. Sending them out after dinner or after
    a snack will decrease the possibility of eating treats before you inspect them.
  • Ask them not to accept anything not commercially wrapped. Or, if there are
    exceptions with neighbors and friends, have a plan.
  • If your child has food allergies, carefully check all labels for the allergens.
  • For young children, remove candies that might be choking hazards such as gum,
    peanuts, and hard candies.
    If you are providing treats in your neighborhood, help parents and children by making
    safe candy choices at the store.

From Washington State University Extension, thanks for listening, I’m Susie Craig.


Food and Drug Administration. Halloween Food Safety Tips for Parents. Accessed online 8/14/23.