FSM 255: Food Safety Practices to Keep Apples Safe in Grocery Stores

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I’m Susie Criag, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

The next time you pick up a bag of apples consider what your local grocery does to keep your produce high quality and safe for your family. Behind the scenes according to the Produce Safety Rule, they ensure proper handling, storage, and transportation of apples. Grocers provide regular employee training on safe food handling procedures for produce, hygiene practices, and cleaning and sanitation. They conduct regular inspections and audits to ensure compliance with the Produce Safety Rule. Grocery stores must also be able to track the source of their produce and quickly recall produce from consumers if necessary.

Search for Food Safety Modernization Act Rules for Grocery Store Produce. Or click on this resource in the printed version of this podcast.

From Washington State University Extension, this is Susie Craig.


U.S. Food and Drug Administration. What the Produce Safety Rule Means for Consumers. Accessed online 8/2/2023.