FSM 254: Food Safety Practices of Apple Growers: From Farm to Table

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Do you wonder how crisp, juicy, and safe apples are produced by Washington State growers? In apple orchards, from planting through harvest, Good Agricultural Practices or GAPs and the Food Safety Modernization Act or (FSMA) which includes the Produce Safety Rule underpin day-to-day operations.

Good Agricultural Practices are research-based guidelines to minimize risk of food safety hazards. Practices include soil and water management, pest control, post-harvest handling, and worker health and safety. Growers also follow the Produce Safety Rule which is part of the Food Safety Modernization Act improving food safety in the United States.

Learn more about what goes on “behind the scenes” in orchards to safeguard produce
safety. Search Washington State University Produce Safety, click on Produce Safety.

Thanks for listening, I’m Susie Craig.


Food and Drug Administration. Selecting and Serving Produce Safety. Accessed online 7/31/2023.