FSM 249: Listeriosis Outbreak in Washington State From Unknown Food Source

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There’s a cluster of foodborne listeriosis in Washington State. Five adults over 60 years
of age developed serious infections, three have died. Genetic fingerprinting showed they
likely had the same foodborne source of infection, though it has not been identified.
If you’re over 65, pregnant, or have a weakened immune system, here’s how you can
minimize your risk of getting listeriosis:

  • Heat these foods to 165 degrees F or until steaming hot: Pasteurized soft cheeses
    and deli-sliced cheese, deli meat, cold cuts, hot dogs, and fermented or dry
  • Avoid eating pre-made deli salads such as coleslaw, potato, tuna, and chicken
  • Avoid consuming unpasteurized milk.

For more information, visit the Washington State Department of Health.


Washington State Department of Health. 2023 Cluster of Foodborne Listeriosis – Unknown Source.
7/21/2023. Accessed online 8/4/2023.