FSM 246: Recommended Containers for Freezing Food

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I’m Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension.

Are you freezing food this summer? Containers should be:

  • Moisture vapor resistant,
  • Durable and leakproof,
  • Not become brittle and crack at low temperatures,
  • Protect foods from absorption of off flavors and odors,
  • Easy to seal, and
  • Easy to label.

Many home food preservers use flexible freezer bags, plastic freezer wrap, freezer paper, and heavyweight aluminum foil, good for dry packed foods with little or no liquid. Others prefer rigid containers made of plastic or glass. Duel-purposed glass containers made for freezing and canning may be safely used. Regular glass jars, however, break easily at freezer temperatures and should not be used.

No matter what choice you make for freezing containers, always remember to label, and date your products.

From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.


National Center for Home Food Preservation. University of Georgia. Containers for Freezing. Accessed online 5/26/23.