FSM 245: Freezing Vegetables, Blanching is Important

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From Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig.

Did you know it’s important to blanch fresh vegetables before freezing? Blanching is accomplished by placing clean, trimmed vegetables in boiling water or steaming from 2 minutes for carrots and up to 11 minutes for large ears of corn. Heat inactivates enzymes found in fresh vegetables. During extended frozen storage, if not inactivated, enzymes can cause undesirable changes in color, flavor, and texture. Blanching also improves the quality of frozen vegetables, preserving texture, making it easier for water molecules to escape during freezing and preventing the formation of large ice crystals that damage texture.

To learn more, visit the National Center for Home Food Preservation online or the Washington State University Benton and Franklin Counties Home Food Preservation website.

Thanks for listening, I’m Susie Craig.


Hammond, Lizann Powers. Home Food Preservation. WSU Benton and Franklin Counties. Accessed online July 11, 2023.

National Center for Home Food Preservation. University of Georgia. How Do I ….. Freeze?. Accessed May 25, 2023.