FSM 237: Food Processors Reduce Physical Hazards in Our Food

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Physical hazards may be unintentionally introduced into processed foods we consume at home. For instance, it’s possible to find small stones, dirt, and twigs in dried beans and legumes though steps are taken to reduce this possibility.

Food processors assess risks from incoming ingredients to shipping. They utilize good manufacturing processes along with HACCP plans. HACCP is an acronym for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. The plan identifies potential hazards, then details implementation strategies to prevent or minimize them. Processors may use metal detectors and other techniques to detect physical hazards from processing and packaging equipment as part of their HACCP plan. With all food, including dried beans and legumes, follow consumer directions to wash, rinse, and check for stones.

This is Susie Craig.


Food and Drug Administration. Physical Hazards. Accessed online 5/22/23.

MyTestPrep. Understanding Physical Hazards in Food and ServSafe Certification. Accessed online 5/22/23.