FSM 233: Make Safe Moldable Clay from Flour for Summer Craft Time

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From Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig.

Will you be making moldable clay for craft time with your children and grandchildren this summer? Flour is the common ingredient used in homemade clay. However, there is a risk of disease-causing E. coli bacteria in raw flour which can cause serious illness. For raw flour to be safe, it must be cooked.

Use a recipe for moldable clay with a cook step, a stovetop method of preparation. All ingredients should be food grade, meaning they’re edible. Children should not be encouraged to eat moldable clay, but it happens. Another alternative is choosing a recipe which does not include flour.

Bottom line, it isn’t safe for anyone to consume raw flour, in cookie dough, cake batter, or home-made play clay.

Thanks for listening to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Say No to Raw Dough. Accessed online 4/17/23.

McLead, Kimberly. The Best Ideas for Kids. The Best Playdough (Cooked) Recipe. Accessed online 4/24/23.