FSM 226: Global Food Traceability: Reduce Foodborne Illness and Food Waste. WA DOE will like it!

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Did you know the World Health Organization recently launched a Global Strategy for food safety? It uses food chain information to establish systematic, coordinated food traceability. In the United States, our food supply is diverse coming from local growers and producers to those located around the world. Working with the FDA and counties around the world, the goal is farm to table traceability on a global scale. But, it’s a long and complicated process.

Food traceability has important benefits. For food safety, it enables targeted outbreak investigations with timely and precise product recalls linked to foodborne illness. Additionally, food traceability data could be used to improve sustainability of global food supplies while dramatically reducing food waste.

This is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension.


Bratager, Sara. The Need for Greater Traceability and Transparency in the Food Supply Chain. Food
Safety Magazine. 11/28/22. Accessed online 1/8/23.