FSM 224: Packing Waste-Free Lunches with Food Safety

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From Washington State University Extension, welcome to Food Safety in a Minute.

Do you pack lunches for school and work? Here are some easy ways to pack waste-free lunches while keeping food safety in mind. They’re good for our environment, easy on your food budget, and healthy.

  • Think “reusable.” Reusable items include lunch boxes or cloth bags, utensils,
    storage containers, and re-fillable beverage containers. Avoid using single use
    items such as plastic bags, plastic wrap, and plastic utensils. Keep reusable items
    safe by cleaning and sanitizing items after each use.
  • Reduce food waste and stretch your food budget by using leftovers in your
    refrigerator. In your lunch bag, prevent the growth of disease-causing bacteria,
    keeping cold items cold (40 degrees F or below) and hot items hot (140 degrees F
    or above).

Thanks for listening, I’m Susie Craig.


Partnership for Food Safety Education. The Core Four. Accessed online 1/6/23.

Stanton, Laura M. Ten Tips for Packing Waste-Free Lunches. Ohio State University Extension Family and
Consumer Sciences (PDF)
. Accessed online 1/6/23.