FSM 223: Fish Consumption Advisories in Washington State

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Do you enjoy fresh-water fishing and eating your catch? Before fishing, visit the Washington State Department of Health website for fish consumption advisories. In 2021, there were 217 advisories in Washington. 95% listed mercury or PCB as the primary contaminant. Two the advisories apply to every waterbody in Washington for three species of fish: northern pikeminnow, largemouth and smallmouth bass. Search by waterbody, fish species and County for specific recommendations.

For instance, you are advised not to eat largemouth bass or northern pikeminnow from Lake Sammamish. Smallmouth bass are safe for adults eating no more than two servings per month and yellow perch one meal per month. Stay safe, check out fish consumption advisories.

This is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension.


Washington State Department of Health. Fish Advisories Data. Accessed online 1/5/23.