FSM 216: Food Science and Technology: Food Safety Technologies

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension.

This month, our focus is food science and technology innovations necessary to feed the growing world population while reducing the food system’s impact on our planet. One new trend is using food safety technologies to reduce chemical and water usage during food processing.

An example of this is light-based disinfection using pulse light (PL) to destroy bacteria and spores in produce. Short, intense pulses of broad-spectrum wavelengths are applied to the surface of apples, blueberries, strawberries, lettuce, oranges, and carrots. There are many potential benefits for processors and consumers. For processors, this system could reduce energy costs and chemicals. For consumers, pathogens causing foodborne illness are controlled without chemicals and spoilage bacteria are destroyed increasing shelf life.

This is Susie Craig.


Bricher, Julie. Outlook 2023: Technology Trends. Food Technology Magazine, 11/1/22. Accessed online 12/8/2022.

Salehi, Fakhreddin. Application of Pulsed Light Technology for Fruits and Vegetables Disinfection: A
. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 4/22 Abstract. Accessed online 12/18/22.