FSM 215: Food Science and Technology Trends: Food Safety Technologies

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From Washington State University Extension, I’m Susie Craig.

Digital technologies in food production from farm to table are reducing the food system’s impact on water, climate, and ecosystems. The pandemic, with labor shortages and supply chain issues have heightened the pace of their adoption in food processing, packaging, and distribution.

Food manufacturers use sensors and software to collect and analyze data leading to increased productivity, efficiency, and energy reduction while improving product quality and safety for consumers. An example is digital temperature monitoring which automatically records and analyses temperature data throughout the production cycle of a food product. Digital technologies also help avoid processing errors, allow for rapid emergency response, and traceability using real time information.

This is Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension.


Bricher, Julie. Outlook 2023: Technology Trends. Food Technology Magazine, 11/1/22. Accessed online 12/8/2022.

Choudhury, Nandini R. Advances in Digital Technologies for Food Safety. Food Safety Magazine. 10/8/22. Accessed online 12/18/22.