FSM 214: Food Science and Technology Trends: Alternative-Protein Trends

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute

This month, our focus are sustainable trends and innovations which reduce the food system’s impact on water, climate, and ecosystems. One example is the application of alternative-protein technology. Consumers are already purchasing higher protein content foods with lower carbon footprints such as plant-based eggs, dairy products, and meat.

By 2042, food scientists estimate 60% of meat consumption will come from cell-cultured protein sources. Startup companies with regulatory guidance from FDA and USDA are taking animal and fish cells, placing them in a controlled environment providing nutrients, then harvesting. No animals or fish are harmed. Soon you’ll be able to purchase cell-cultured hamburger, chicken, and tuna.

This is Susie Craig from Food Safety in a Minute.


Bricher, Julie. Outlook 2023: Technology Trends. Food Technology Magazine, 11/1/22. Accessed online 12/8/2022.

Food Safety and Inspection Service – United States Department of Agriculture. Human Food Made with
Cultured Animal Cells
. Accessed online 12/14/2022.