FSM 213: What to Do with Holiday Chocolates: Waste Not, Want Not with Food Safety in Mind

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From Washington State University Extension, welcome to Food Safety in a Minute.

Did you know today is National Chocolate Day? From Halloween to New Year’s, Americans love to gift chocolate. As a result, many of us end the year with way more chocolate than we want to eat.

There’s good news, you can reduce food waste, protect your food budget, and safely store holiday chocolate. Chocolate is non-perishable, and stores best around 65-70 degrees F in a sealed container. You can freeze chocolate for up to a year following these steps to ensure best quality from University of Florida Extension:

  • First, place chocolate in your refrigerator for 24 hours, cooling slowly.
  • Wrap in plastic wrap, place in airtight container. Label and date. When you ready to enjoy your chocolate, thaw for 24 hours in refrigerator, then on the counter.

This is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension.


Portelos-Rometa, Maria. University of Florida – IFAS Sarasota County Blogs. Storing Chocolate for World
Chocolate Day. Accessed online 11/9/22.