FSM 198: September is National Food Safety Education Month: Making Safe Choices While Eating Out

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Episode Transcription

From Washington State University Extension, this is Susie Craig.

On this podcast we highlight making safe food choices while eating out, based on information from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Not all foods are created equal when it comes to food safety. Some foods offered in restaurants and other food service operations carry more risk, especially for young children, expectant mothers, seniors, or those with chronic disease or immunocompromised.

Here are a few examples of high-risk foods: Rare burgers, underdone poultry or beef, sushi, soft boiled, over easy or runny eggs, unpasteurized soft cheese, unwashed produce, and fresh squeezed, unpasteurized juice or apple cider. Instead choose pasteurized juice, cheese made with pasteurized milk, eggs with firm yolks and whites, vegetable or tempura rolls, and burgers cooked to 160 degrees F.

Thanks for listening to Food Safety in a Minute.


Making Food Safe Choices While Eating Out. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. July 2018. Accessed online 8/21/22.