FSM 177: Jelly Ice Cubes – New Solution for Cold Storage of Perishable Food

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This is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension.

Food safety changes and evolves with identification of critical issues and research conducted at Land-grant universities. Food scientists at the University of California Davis recently designed a new product as an alternative to ice and ice packs used by food processors during the storage and transportation of perishable food. The new product is called ‘Jelly Ice Cubes’.

They change color with temperature variations, may be re-used up to 12 times, are antimicrobial, and mold resistant. Compostable, soft to the touch, they may be produced in any shape. ‘Jelly Ice Cubes’ are intended to reduce food spoilage, decrease food waste, conserve water, and improve food safety of perishable food. In addition to food processors, food delivery companies, even consumers may use them someday.

This is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension.


Food Safety Magazine. Researchers Develop Antimicrobial ‘Jelly Ice Cubes’ for Safer Cold Storage.
12/21/21. Accessed online 3/14/22.