FSM 176: Fresh Food Processors Keeping Our Food Safe: Commercial Cold Storage for Perishable Foods

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute.

During production of perishable food, food processors create and monitor production plans to minimize the growth of pathogens and prevent cross contamination. Often, their plans utilize cold storage to maintain product safety. Plans may include ice.

For example, fish processors use large amounts of ice to cool fresh fish. As it melts, the meltwater may carry pathogens to other products or water supplies. Called cross contamination, this poses risks to food safety. Ice used in food processing also depletes critical supplies of water. US manufacturers do a good job maintaining the safety of perishable food. However, food scientists are always looking for ways to improve food safety while protecting the environment. On the next podcast, learn about Jelly Ice Cubes.

This is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension.


Food Safety Magazine. Researchers Develop Antimicrobial ‘Jelly Ice Cubes’ for Safer Cold Storage.
12/21/21. Accessed online 3/14/22.