FSM 169: Food Safety Research and Product Development: Edible Microbial Tags for Food Traceability

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute from Washington State University Extension.

Researchers at universities and companies are constantly working to enhance the safety of our food. One such start-up is Aanika Biosciences in Brooklyn. The company developed an edible, traceable, microbial tag for food. A customized group of safe microbes is sprayed onto food like a watermark. Their tag is designed to last through the product lifecycle and across the food chain. They have successfully used their tag on fresh leafy greens. The tag would allow traceability from the farm to your table. Growers could quickly identify contaminated produce in stores and in your home. The company plans field trials pending approval from regulators. Their edible tags could increase the efficacy and timeliness of tracebacks and food recalls, enhancing food safety.

Thanks for listening, I’m Susie Craig.


Marston, Jennifer. Exclusive: Aanika Biosciences Raises $12M to Boost Food Traceability with Edible
Microbial Tags
. AgFunder Network. 11/30/21. Accessed online 12/18/21.