FSM 167: Organizing Your Refrigerator for Food Safety

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute.

Did you know refrigerator organization prevents foodborne illness? Start organizing by placing wrapped, raw meat and poultry in a special meat/poultry compartment or on a plate in a location below ready to eat foods including fresh fruits and vegetables. If leakage occurs, this prevents cross contamination of potentially harmful bacteria to other foods decreasing your risk of foodborne illness.

Place eggs and dairy products on an inside shelf. Food temperatures rise when stored in the door when you open your refrigerator. This may cause multiplication of harmful bacteria or declines in food quality. According to the International Food Institute, condiments and sauces are safe stored in refrigerator door as most contain preservatives. They stay safe and stable for a few months.

This is Susie Craig from Food Safety in a Minute.


Schupp, Courtney MPH, RD. Cleaning Out Your Fridge for Safety. Food Insight 11/9/21. Accessed online 12/18/21.

Driessen, Suzanne (Reviewed 2021). Refrigerator Tips to Keep Your Family Safe and Your Food Fresh.
University of Minnesota Extension. Accessed online 12/18/21.