FSM 166: Norovirus: Hand Washing versus Hand Sanitizer

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Susie Craig for Food Safety in a Minute.

How do lower your risk of a norovirus infection or prevent spreading it to others? Effective hand washing. Period. Use soap and water, scrub all surfaces of your hands and wrists for 20 seconds, rinse, and dry with a paper towel.

Hand sanitizers are often used as a replacement for hand washing. Hand sanitizers are very effective against many bacterial and some viral infections when their alcohol content is at least 60%. Hand sanitizers are not effective against norovirus. Hand washing is.

Norovirus is a leading cause foodborne illness affecting 20 million Americans annually. Practicing effective hand washing before preparing food and before eating would dramatically decrease this illness in people of all ages.

This is Food Safety in a Minute.