FSM 162: Noroviruses and Cruise Ships

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute.

Are you planning a cruise? Winter months are especially popular cruising destinations in= the tropics. They’re also primetime for norovirus outbreaks. Norovirus is highly contagious causing vomiting and diarrhea. An infected passenger may leave millions of virus particles on ship surfaces: Railings, utensils at self-service buffets, doorknobs, and exercise equipment. Touch the contaminated surface, then food, eat, and you’re likely infected. If you’re ill, contact the ship doctor and stay in your cabin protecting others.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Shipboard program recommends contacting a crew member if you observe anyone with symptoms. Ship management responded quickly when I reported seeing a crew member on shore with norovirus symptoms. They spoke with the employee and followed up. Reporting helps keep everyone healthy and happy.

This is Food Safety in a Minute.

Please Note: Hand sanitizers are not effective against Norovirus


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Facts about Noroviruses on Cruise Ships. Accessed online