FSM 161: Refrigerated Holiday Leftovers and Safe Storage Times

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Are there holiday leftovers in your refrigerator? Before watching football games and having another party on New Year’s Day, make time to inspect the contents of your refrigerator. The short time limits for storage of home refrigerated food necessary for food safety may surprise you. Check out your refrigerated holiday leftovers and follow these guidelines to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.

  • After three to four days throw out pumpkin and custard pies as well as cooked meat and poultry.
  • After three to five days, throw out opened packaged or deli sliced meats.
  • Check for purchased food items past their expiration or use by dates. Pull those foods past their safe date for consumption from your refrigerator.

For more information about safe food storage, visit FoodSafety.gov.

I’m Susie Craig.


FoodSafety.gov. Cold Food Storage Chart. Accessed online 10/28/21.