FSM 159: Airports, Planes, and Food Safety

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

Millions of Americans are traveling by air in December. Many of us will bring food onboard for the flight. Whatever you bring onboard, check the TSA guidelines. To ensure food safety, here are four things you can do to avoid a foodborne illness.

  • Pack non-perishable foods. Peanut butter and jelly, nuts, trail mix, hard cheese, whole fruit, or any shelf stable food.
  • If you take lunch meat sandwiches, make them ahead of time and freeze. Once thawed, eat within two hours.
  • Just before boarding, wash your hands with soap and warm water, scrubbing for 20 seconds. Dry with a paper towel.
  • Pack sanitizer wipes to use on plane surfaces and your hands, just prior to eating.

For Food Safety in a Minute, this is Susie Craig from Washington State University Extension.


Food Safety and Inspection Services-United States Department of Agriculture.
Keeping “Bagged” Lunches Safe. Accessed online 10/29/21.

FoodSafety.gov. Today’s Lesson: Prepare Safe Lunches. Accessed online 10/29/21.