FSM 154: Food Safety and Big Game – From Hunt to Home

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Welcome to Food Safety in a Minute.

It’s the time of year when hunting season begins for deer, elk, and antelope. Washington State hunters begin stocking their freezers and store canned meat for their families to enjoy throughout the year. Food safety is an important consideration from hunt to home.

A publication from Pacific Northwest Extension is an excellent place to start learning about food safety and big game. Titled Big Game Safety from Hunt to Home, it safely guides hunters from food safety in the field, transportation, aging, skinning, boning, to preparation, and preservation.

Another outstanding publication is available online through PennState Extension titled Proper Field Dressing and Handing of Wild Game and Fish. You’ll learn about safe field dressing and the importance of temperature control for controlling disease-causing bacteria.

From Washington State University, this is Susie Craig from Food Safety in a Minute.


2021 Big Game Hunting Seasons and Rules (Washington State) (PDF). Accessed online 10/11/21.

Busboom, Jan, C. Raab, Dana Sanchez. Big Game Safety from Hunt to Home (PDF). Pacific Northwest Extension. 2010. Accessed online 10/11/21.

PennState Extension. Proper Field Dressing and Handling of Wild Game and Fish. 6/23/16. Accessed online 10/11/21.