FSM 153: Food Processing, Robots, and Food Safety

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From Washington State University Extension, this is Food Safety in a Minute.

These days, food processors are increasingly more likely to experience labor shortages. Frequently, they are coping with these shortages using robots. This is especially true for easy fully automated tasks in food manufacturing. Food processing robots use artificial intelligence-based machine vison technology. Robots may work alone, be paired with another robot, or in collaboration with a worker. Robots do not replace human workers for tasks requiring judgement and problem-solving skills. Robots do have many advantages, including contributing to food quality and food safety.

Robots may:

  • Boost accuracy and improve efficiency in food processing.
  • Be quickly re-programmed and reconfigured for flexibility.
  • Handle tasks which are tedious, dangerous, or very dirty.
  • Reduce and prevent cross-contamination in food processing plants.

This is Susie Craig.


Jarret, Claudia. Putting Food Safety First with Robots. Food Industry Executive. 7/28/2020. Accessed online 10/11/21.

Newton, Emily. How Food Processors Can Use Robots to Improve Food Quality. Food SafetyTech
Soapbox. 6/7/21. Accessed online 10/11/21.